Dundas Chapter No. 543

Dundas Chapter No.543 is attached to Cleveland Lodge No. 543 and holds its meetings in Stokesley Masonic Hall.

Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday in the months of January, March, May & November and the 2nd Tuesday in September.

Meetings start at 7pm prompt.

Dundas Chapter meeting dates 2024
10th September   
19th November   

Dundas Chapter meeting dates 2025
21st January 9th September
18th March 18th November
20th May   


The Chapter Ritual book (book of Ceremonies) has been completely revised and the new version printed.  Copies are available from Ian Murdoch cost £7.


Freemasons meet in groups that are called Lodges.  Chapter Masonry or Royal Arch Masonry as it is formally known is the continuation of Freemasonry.  Its members, meet in groups that are called Chapters rather than Lodges.

For further information on Chapter Masonry you can use the link https://www.ugle.org.uk/about-us/royal-arch to visit the site of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England.